Help Support Tsunami Families From America
As I am only one of a few hundred US American able to arrive, assess, and assist in tsunami relief, I am appreciative of how the entire team is and has been able to help.
Memorial Day is soon in the US and I wanted to thank those, like my father who died giving the ultimate sacrifice and live in out hearts- and those serving keeping American free and safe. I appreciate the security offered that allowed us to help those not of our own kind, belief, and country.
I want to announce that containers offering non-monetary assistance to those working in the area are ready to be loaded.
Dropoff locations will be in San Diego and Las Vegas. If you or someone you know has a location to place a container for a few days, that would be willing to be a drop off location, please email me at
I am in Las Vegas, please keep the team still in Sri Lanka close to your thoughts. THey expect to return to San Diego in Mid June.
Thank You,
Vegas Thornton
Sri Lanka Outreach Team
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