Wednesday, February 02, 2005

News from the team

For our hard work in the south we have been given very red burns which we are rather certain will become farmers tans. We setup many tents in the south alongside village locals who reside in Koluthara. One month later and they still do not have housing more than UN tarps. We provided many 2 room single family tents to the people who are either without housing or people who are living cramped with others. The locals used the cardboard the tents came in as beds. We will be in our new apartment tommorow and look forward to returning to clean and rebuild wells with our newest member Andrea on Saturday.

Today former president Bill Clinton announced he will be officially working with the UN special envoy to provide negotation and other valuable skills to this country. So we look forward to encouraging news from the UNDP, UN and USAID programs.

The LTTE has announced is is seeking international NGO's and not the Sri Lankan governemnet to distribute aid.,001301540003.htm

The NDMC has created a needs website that tracks needs and whats available.

Not counting the LTTE areas, "70% of affected Sri Lankans without aid"

Currently, According to the Inspecotrs General command of Sri Lanka
(government for all areas expect most of the north and the east)
Identified Death Count 20936
Bodies Buried or destroyed 10152
People displaced is 296,959
Current Orphan count unreported

Currently, According to the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization
(government for north and the east)
Identified Death Count unreported
Bodies Buried or destroyed unreported
People displaced is unreported
Current Orphan count 2862